MARLANDS/Maritima - Islands of the Mediterranean successfully selected for funding by Creative Europe Program of the European Union
30 June 2022

MARLANDS/Maritima - Islands of the Mediterranean is a multidisciplinary artistic project and communication platform for the Mediterranean Islands. Proposed by a number of important institutions, it was successfully selected for funding by Creative Europe Program in 2022. MARLANDS/Maritima - Islands of the Mediterranean focus on the Mediterranean Islands will aim to uncover, show and contribute to the circulation and awareness of the islands’ issues, creating a collaborative and hybrid network. By placing the role of scientific research, artistic creation and cultural exchange at the heart of its mission, the project further intends to strengthen and facilitate exchanges between the scientific and cultural actors and to revitalize the audiences’ participation.
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Walking, in particular drifting, or strolling, is already – with the speed culture of our time – a kind of resistance…a very immediate method for unfolding stories. – Francis Alÿs
In the frame of Contemporary Walking Arts, the Walking Body III (TWB3) is an artistic event and innovative encounter with educational and research character. It has an interdisciplinary nature and approach, which includes theoretical and practical concerns on participation, encounter and dialogue. Incorporating visual and performing arts, TWB3 experimental activities enhance different learning possibilities as they focus on walking artistic practices, individual or participatory projects and exploration of new media.
Walking is a defining human activity with poetic and political resonance as well as mundane and ceremonial manifestations that play a central role in contemporary art, social and cultural history. Within art walking has been used repeatedly as a tool for thinking about space, movement, history and even material inequality. TWB3 plans to hold 7 walk-shops, to take place during the week of March 21-25, 2022, which include walks, online workshops and artistic creation projects. The event is organized by EAAD School of Architecture, Arts and Design at Guimarães, Portugal. A colloquium will be held at the Garagem Avenida gallery (EAAD), and will be shared directly via streaming to a global public. TBW3 activities include also a discussion with international artists about their professional itinerary, presenting their projects in the academic, curatorial and artistic spheres.
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Collaborative Art Project: Walking Arts 2.0 / Geert Vermeire

Open Lecture: Walking Arts 2.0
Amphitheatre 1, Tassos Papadopoulos Building, Corner of Themis and Ifigenias Street
19 October 2021, 20:00
Workshop: Walking Arts 2.0
18-21 October 2021
The international practice-based project Collaborative Art Project which was successfully launched in 2020 by Professor Klitsa Antoniou with guest artist Maria Loizidou, is organized for a second year by Cut Contemporary Fine Arts Lab of the Department of Fine Arts at the Cyprus University of Technology. Within the framework of this program, artists with international recognition and significant work are invited to share aspects of their work with the students of the Department, as well as with the general public. The aim of the program is on the one hand to offer participants a "toolkit" for observing, recording and analyzing the work of the invited artists, which they will be able to adapt later in their own artistic process, and on the other hand to familiarize them with experimental artistic interventions of a collaborative nature.
The second guest of the Collaborative Art Project is Geert Vermeire. He is a curator, poet and artist, from Belgian origin, moving constantly between Greece, Portugal and Brazil. Through collaborative processes, departing from the ethical involvement of cultural action, he has rooted his work in walking arts, extending it into sound art and digital art. He is one of the pioneers in locative media, with a focus on spatial writing, locative sound & performance and social practices. Since the early 2000s walking is key to his artistic work, centered around place and ecology, relating to our planet in crisis, unfolding around human connections, text and space, with works of arts, site-specific interventions and artistic walks engaging both with the landscape and with those walking through the landscape.
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Library Project : Rejected Sounds of the Magic Flute / Evelyn Anastasiou
Presentation: Saturday, 30th of October 2021, 19:00
In the Garden of the Municipal University Library
Karaiskaki & Agiou Andreou 269 3035 Limassol
Contact: 00357 96 509976
Admission Free
The Library Project is a biannual curatorial endeavour of the Cut Contemporary Fine Arts Lab of the Department of Fine Arts at the Cyprus University of Technology. It foregrounds the multimedia nature of contemporary art as well as ephemeral artistic practices that open a dialogue with the Municipal Library.
In collaboration with the Austrian Embassy in Cyprus and within the framework of the events of Weeks of the German Language 2021, the invited artist of this second edition of the Library Project is Evelyn Anastasiou.
On Saturday, October 30th, the Cypriot visual artist will be presenting a musical performance drawing from The Magic Flute [Die Zauberflöte] by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, entitled “Rejected Sounds of The Magic Flute”.
The Austrian composer's iconic opera, which has been presented to the Viennese public for the first time in 1791, is not only a magical tale with many hidden messages but also an ode to timeless, universal values, such as freedom, brotherhood, and love.
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Curatorial Academy Project: Transversal Approach / Herman Bashiron Mendolicchio
Open Lecture: Transversal approach / connections, exchanges, and interactions
Amphitheatre 1, Tassos Papadopoulos Building, Corner of Themis and Ifigenias Street
11 November 2021, 20:00
Workshop: Articulating Mobilities and Territories / Maps, Borders and Constellations
10-13 November 2021
The international practice-based project Curatorial Art Academy Project involves intensive curatorial workshops featuring renowned international guest speakers from a number of distinguished institutions. The project is organized by Professor Klitsa Antoniou and the Cut Contemporary Fine Arts Lab of the Department of Fine Arts at the Cyprus University of Technology. Curatorial Art Academy Projects offer participants a program of lectures and workshops and an opportunity for them to present their curatorial ideas or their own artworks and receive feedback from invited speakers. The project will prepare participants to enhance their role as curators, will enable them to work around how to engage audiences more effectively by proposing alternative models of exhibition-making, institution-building, and social justice through art. A key objective of the project is to advance and establish a professional discourse, thereby encouraging a continuous evaluation of one's own and other's curatorial practice. It is aimed at both students and practicing artists.